Welcome to the SD 92.5 Tech Hub for Educators!
This site serves as a landing page for our staff to access technology-related content pertinent to our district. Within this collection of highlighted digital resources, we showcase digital content that can best support the needs of educators implementing the technology being used in the district. Assistance is provided in written and digital form(s), video recordings, virtual formats, and in-person. Content curated from educators, specialists, and administrators (both in and out of the district) is provided (when possible) to provide more tangible and concrete examples of exemplary digital artifacts.
If staff members have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to your technology team members. Additionally, please contact us should you have content to share and/or requests for professional development to be provided. We look forward to working with you!
Our Mission - Prepare and empower students to be successful in life.
Thank you,
-The SD 92.5 Technology Team