Freedom of Information Act Requests
The District’s “public records” are those records and documents, regardless of physical or electronic form, pertaining to the transaction of public business and as further defined by law, including the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”), and the District’s FOIA Administrative Procedures. The District maintains and makes available for inspection a reasonably current list of the types and categories of records under its control, as well as those documents that are immediately available upon request.
Freedom of Information Act Contact Information
Requests to inspect or secure copies of public records shall be submitted to the District’s designated Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officers:
Philip Salemi
Westchester Public Schools
9981 Canterbury Street
Westchester, IL 60154
708-450-2700, ext. 2311
708-450-2718 (fax)
Laura Panuska
Westchester Public Schools
9981 Canterbury Street
Westchester, IL 60154
708-450-2700, ext. 2311
708-450-2718 (fax)
All Freedom of Information Act Requests must be submitted in writing via U.S. mail, fax, email, or in person at the address listed above to a Freedom of Information Act Officer. To simplify the process, requests may be submitted using the District 92½ Request for Records under FOIA form. If the requestor would prefer to hand deliver the request, please refer to the District home page for office hours. The office is closed for business on Saturdays, Sundays and designated school, state or federal holidays.
While the following information is not required, its inclusion will help in processing the request for public records:
- The requestor’s full name, address, and telephone number
- A description of the records sought, being as specific as possible
- Whether the request is for inspection of records, copies of records, or both.
All requests will be date stamped upon receipt by a District designated FOIA officer.
Fee Schedule for FOIA Requests
No fees will be charged for the first actual 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal sized copies. Beyond 50 pages, the charge will be 15 cents per page. Actual cost will be charged for copies on paper sizes other than letter or legal size, color copies, disks, tapes or diskettes. There will be a $1.00 fee for certifying documents. If the requestor is unwilling or unable to pick up the copies of the requested records at the District Office, the requestor shall incur the costs of mailing or shipping the requested materials.
List of Documents or Categories of Records that the District May Immediately Disclose Upon Request:
- Board of Education Policies
- Board of Education Annual Meeting Schedule and Notices
- Board of Education Meeting Agendas and Minutes Open to the Public
- Budget
- Illinois School Report Cards
- Collective Bargaining Agreements
- Administrator Salary Compensation Report
- Listing of Contracts over $25,000 for the Current Fiscal Year
Description of the District
Westchester Public Schools, District 92½, is a public elementary school district serving kindergarten through 8th grade students residing within the District’s boundaries. The District has limited pre-school classes for students identified as at-risk or with special needs.
The District has one administrative office (District Office) and operates three attendance centers: Westchester Primary School, Westchester Intermediate School, and Westchester Middle School.
District 92½ is governed by the seven-member Board of Education. The current members of the board are:
Dana Wesolowski, President
Stephanie L. Boyd, Vice President
Rose Oritz, Secretary
Mary R. Douglas-Pieniazek
Jerrid Neal
Cynthia Peranich
Gina C. Sanchez
Staff Member Notification
The District will notify a staff member of any FOIA request received which seeks personal or performance information directly regarding the employee.